1,764 research outputs found

    Visual Localisation of Mobile Devices in an Indoor Environment under Network Delay Conditions

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    Current progresses in home automation and service robotic environment have highlighted the need to develop interoperability mechanisms that allow a standard communication between the two systems. During the development of the DHCompliant protocol, the problem of locating mobile devices in an indoor environment has been investigated. The communication of the device with the location service has been carried out to study the time delay that web services offer in front of the sockets. The importance of obtaining data from real-time location systems portends that a basic tool for interoperability, such as web services, can be ineffective in this scenario because of the delays added in the invocation of services. This paper is focused on introducing a web service to resolve a coordinates request without any significant delay in comparison with the sockets

    A generalized Holling type II model for the interaction between dextral-sinistral snails and Pareas snakes

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    Producción CientíficaPareatic snakes possess outstanding asymmetry in the mandibular tooth number, which has probably been caused by its evolution to improve the feeding on the predominant dextral snails. Gene mutation can generate chiral inversion on the snail body. A sinistral snail population can thrive in this ecological context. The interactions between dextral/sinistral snails and Pareas snakes are modeled in this paper by using a new generalized functional response of Holling type II. Distinct Pareas species show different bilateral asymmetry degrees. This parameter plays an essential role in our model and determines the evolution of the populations. Stability of the solutions is also analyzed for different regimes in the space of parameters.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grant MTM2014-57129-C2-1-P)Junta de Castilla y Leon (grant VA057U16

    Coherently manipulating flying qubits in a quantum wire with a magnetic impurity

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    e study the effect of a magnetic impurity with spin-half on a single propagating electron in a one-dimensional model system via the tight-binding approach. Due to the spin-dependent interaction, the scattering channel for the flying qubit is split, and its transmission spectrum is obtained. It is found that, the spin orientation of the impurity plays the role as a spin state filter for a flying qubit.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Tasa de beneficio,inversión y estabilidad en una economía de mercado

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    Director Andrés Fernández Diaz.Depto. de Economía Aplicada, Pública y PolíticaFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEProQuestpu

    Multidimensional SAR data representation and processing based on Binary Partition Trees

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    English: A novel multidimensional SAR data abstraction is presented, based on Binary Partition Trees (BPT). This data abstraction is employed for different applications, as data filtering and segmentation, change detection, etc. The BPT can be contructed from a Polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) image or from a serie of coregistered acquisitions, conforming a tool that enables the systematic exploitation of PolSAR datasets simultaneously in the space and time dimensions.Castellano: na nueva abstracción de datos SAR multidimensionales es presentada, basada en Árboles de Partición Binaria (BPT). Esta abstracción de datos se emplea para distintas aplicaciones, como filtrado, segmentación, detección de cambios, etc. El BPT puede construirse a partir de una imagen SAR polarimétrica o de una serie temporal de imágenes, siendo una herramienta que permite la explotación sistemática de sets de datos PolSAR simultáneamente en espacio y tiempo.Català: Una nova abstracció de dades SAR multidimensionals és presentada, basada en Arbres de Partició Binària (BPT). Aquesta abstracció de dades s'empra per a diferents aplicacions, com filtrat, segmentació, detecció de canvis, etc. El BPT es pot construir a partir d'una imatge SAR polarimètrica o d'una sèrie temporal d'imatges, sent una eina que permet l'explotació sistemàtica de sets de dades PolSAR simultàniament en espai i temps

    Multidimensional and temporal SAR data representation and processing based on binary partition trees

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    This thesis deals with the processing of different types of multidimensional SAR data for distinct applications. Instead of handling the original pixels of the image, which correspond to very local information and are strongly contaminated by speckle noise, a region-based and multiscale data abstraction is defined, the Binary Partition Tree (BPT). In this representation, each region stands for an homogeneous area of the data, grouping pixels with similar properties and making easier its interpretation and processing. The work presented in this thesis concerns the definition of the BPT structures for Polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) images and also for temporal series of SAR acquisitions. It covers the description of the corresponding data models and the algorithms for BPT construction and its exploitation. Particular attention has been paid to the speckle filtering application. The proposed technique has proven to achieve arbitrarily large regions over homogeneous areas while also preserving the spatial resolution and the small details of the original data. As a consequence, this approach has demonstrated an improvement in the performance of the target response estimation with respect to other speckle filtering techniques. Moreover, due to the flexibility and convenience of this representation, it has been employed for other applications as scene segmentation and classification. The processing of SAR time series has also been addressed, proposing different approaches for dealing with the temporal information of the data, resulting into distinct BPT abstractions. These representations have allowed the development of speckle filtering techniques in the spatial and temporal domains and also the improvement and the definition of additional methods for classification and temporal change detection and characterization

    Orthilia secunda (L.) House, nueva especie para la flora cantábrica

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    Hemos encontrado en un hayedo submesófilo basófilo orocantábrico una población de la especie Orthilia secunda (L.) House, novedad para la Cordillera Cantábrica y la mitad oeste peninsular. Se estudia la composición florística del sotobosque y se enfatiza la fragilidad de la comunidad derivada de las complejas relaciones tróficas micorríticas de las especies inventariadas. Se propone su inclusión en el Catálogo de Flora Protegida de Castilla y León

    Aportaciones al estudio corológico de la flora de la provincia de León

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    Se aportan datos corológicos sobre algunas especies de plantas vasculares raras o poco frecuentes en la provincia de León (España), algunas de ellas de interés para la conservación.We made chorological additions about some vascular plants with low presence in the province of León (Spain); some of them have special interest in conservation

    Notas corológicas para la flora vascular de la provincia de León (España)

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    Se aportan datos corológicos sobre varios taxones de plantas vasculares raras o poco frecuentes en la provincia de León (España), muchas de las cuales son especies interesantes en relación a la conservación y están incluidas en catálogos regionales o nacionales de flora amenazada. Cada nueva referencia contiene coordenadas UTM, localización, hábitat recolectores y número de colección.We made chorological additions about several rare or infrequent vascular plants taxa in Leon province (Spain), some of them are very interesting in conservation and included in regional or national list of threatened species. Each new reference contains: UTM coordinates, location, habitat conditions, collection date, name of collector and number of sheet designed in herbarium